Inside the encampment: Tight-knit community fuels weeks-long Fossil Free Penn protest

Anyone who has walked by College Green in the past two weeks has likely noticed Fossil Free Penn’s colorful tents and banners strung up on trees. Between classes, students involved with FFP said that they have spent upwards of 12 hours at the encampment each day, with many sleeping in tents during the night. Even after positioning tents to avoid nightly sprinklers and dealing with aggressive squirrels, these students said that they remain resolute in their beliefs and do not plan on leaving College Green until Penn meets their three demands: a public commitment toward preserving the UC Townhomes, total fossil fuel divestment, and making payments in lieu of taxes, or PILOTs, to Philadelphia public schools. 


WATCH: Protesters storm field during halftime of Yale vs. Penn, delaying game by more than an hour


Penn, Jefferson, and Drexel should pay their fair share of property taxes