Press Releases and Coverage

Opinion Jolyon Thomas Opinion Jolyon Thomas

Guest Column by 568 Penn Faculty and Staff | Penn must pay PILOTS

We are faculty and staff at the University of Pennsylvania who believe that Penn has a responsibility to ensure adequate funding for the Philadelphia public schools. Penn is the largest property owner in the city of Philadelphia, but as a non-profit institution, it pays no property taxes on its non-commercial properties. In other words, it contributes nothing to the tax base that funds Philadelphia’s public school system — all of this in a city whose schools are underfunded and facing deep budget cuts amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Press Release Jolyon Thomas Press Release Jolyon Thomas

Press Release

Faculty and staff at the University of Pennsylvania have released a statement calling on the university to make payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) to the Philadelphia public schools.  

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Opinion Jolyon Thomas Opinion Jolyon Thomas

Penn must be accountable to Philly’s Black communities

Penn has a $14.7 billion endowment and a $3.5 billion operating budget and owns $3.2 billion of tax-exempt property in Philadelphia. PILOT would be a drop in the bucket of Penn’s vast wealth. While money doesn’t solve all problems, it is past time for Penn to stop benefiting from systems that advantage primarily white institutions and make reparations for the damage the university has caused. By voluntarily making these changes, the university has the opportunity to exhibit leadership and courage and set an example for the city’s other large nonprofits to contribute their fair share to the community.

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Opinion Jolyon Thomas Opinion Jolyon Thomas

It’s Time for Penn to Pay PILOTs

To this day, Penn fails to engage with the Philadelphia community in a constructive or collective manner, and instead uses its status as a nonprofit to avoid paying desperately needed property taxes. It’s time for Penn to step up and finally pay Payments in Lieu of Taxes.

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