Press Releases and Coverage

Press Release Jolyon Thomas Press Release Jolyon Thomas

Statement on Penn’s Announcement of a $100M Gift to the Philadelphia Public Schools

The University of Pennsylvania’s announcement of a gift to the Philadelphia public schools is a welcome first step toward resolving the debt that the university owes our city's public school system. Above all, it testifies to the power of mobilization by public school students, teachers, city leaders, and members of the Penn community. We are committed to continuing that mobilization to ensure that Penn pays its full fair share on an ongoing basis.

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News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

Pa. schools need $4.6 million to close education gaps between affluent and poor districts

In 2015, a research report by The Education Trust, an independent national education policy organization, found that Pennsylvania has the second worse school funding gap in the nation … In recent years, members of the Penn community have called on the University to make Payments in Lieu of Taxes to support the Philadelphia School District and shrink the education gap. PILOTS are financial contributions that property tax-exempt organizations voluntarily make to local governments. 

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News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

Phila. councilmember, Penn alum Helen Gym urges her alma mater to pay PILOTs amid pandemic

“The fundamental issue is that property taxes are the bread and butter of school funding, and the unjust and unconstitutional lack of funding for our public schools is a key reason why so much inequity exists across our city. Philadelphia’s greatest non-profit actors – many of which don’t pay property taxes – cannot be silent on this issue, and indeed should be proactive on this at every level," Gym said.

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News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

Disorientation Guide for first years critiques Penn’s impact on students, staff, and Phila.

“Penn likes to push this narrative of what they do as a school, like the fact that they support West [Philadelphia] though the Netter Center and other programs, but when you dig deeper and you look behind Penn’s lies, you see that there are so many issues Penn is completely unwilling to be transparent on,” Singh said.

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