Press Releases and Coverage

News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

Local policymakers and Penn alumni discuss progressive policy change at virtual event

“Thanks to the work of Penn Justice Dems, amongst other [Penn organizers and local activists] — you did make Penn pay the PILOTs money, you won the PILOTs start. While it's not enough, and there's definitely more to win, think about what you were already able to do, that even the Board of Trustees could not turn their heads away from,” Gym said.

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Public Hearing Jolyon Thomas Public Hearing Jolyon Thomas

City Council Hearing on Property Tax Exemption for Wealthy Nonprofits

The Committee on Children and Youth of the Council of the City of Philadelphia held a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, at 2:00​ PM, in a remote manner using Microsoft® Teams to hear testimony on the following items:

210034 Resolution authorizing the Committee on Children and Youth to conduct hearings examining the relationship between the property tax exemption for wealthy nonprofits on the School District’s budget and the resulting environmental hazards in School District facilities on the health and safety of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable children.

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News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

City Council panel examines how to fund cleaning up environmental hazards in Philadelphia's public schools

Many Philadelphians, including those directly impacted by toxic school environments and those with ties to wealthy nonprofits, have called for nonprofit institutions to contribute 40% of foregone property taxes annually to the School District of Philadelphia as Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOTs), to share the responsibility of funding public education.

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News Coverage Jolyon Thomas News Coverage Jolyon Thomas

Penn faculty organize to seek stronger voice in University decision-making

AAUP-Penn's ultimate goal is to make the University a more ethical space and said they would support any groups on campus working towards this, such as Penn for PILOTs, a group of faculty and staff who believe the University should make payments in lieu of taxes to the city of Philadelphia, and Fossil Free Penn, a group on campus that demands Penn divest from the fossil fuel industry. 

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